

A GENERAL meeting will be held at the Y. M. C. A. rooms to-night from 6.30 to 7. All students are invited.

'90 CREW.- All candidates for the '90 crew will please be at this gymnasium to-day (Jan. 4th) at 5 o'clock.

C. L. CREIIORE, Capt.'88 CREW.- Candidates for the senior crew will please be at the gymnasium ready to row at half-past five.

D. HALE, Capt.GUITAR CLUB.- Important business meeting and rehearsal at 1.30 in Beck 26. Quartette requested to be present.

T.S. BEECNER, Secretary.GLOBE THEATRE MEETINGS.- All who are willing to take tickets into Boston this week are requested to call at 39 Thayer this afternoon between 1.30 and 2.30.


MEETING of Harvard Banjo Club, Wednesday, 6.45 p.m., 11 Matthews. It is necessary for every member to be present as there is business of importance to come before the club.
