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EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON:- It may seem a trifle ridiculous to complain of the way in which the examination rooms are vapor-heated during this cold weather, but I desire to call attention to this necessity. While the cold weather lasts it is imperatively necessary that everything should be done to make the upper examination rooms in Sever comfortable. Last Friday some of the rooms were absolutely unbearable. Ordinarily a man can go out from a recitation if the room is too cold, but one cannot do that in an examination. One is compelled to sit and shiver, not able to collect his faculties. Thus he does not do himself justice, and yet he runs the risk of getting a sickness which he may not be able to throw off for months. It is unfortunate that the heating facilities in Sever are inadequate for the purpose; it is also unfortunate that the examinations come during such cold weather. But, since the combination of circumstances is so fatal, it behooves the janitor of Sever to do his best to make the rooms in Sever habitable.



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