
Fact and Rumor.

Members of the Finance Committee may be elected this week.

The CRIMSON dinner has again been postponed to Monday, Feb. 20.

A monitor is wanted in Fine Arts 4 for the second half year.

Cross, '88, is now stroking the Yale 'Varsity crew.

The old chapter at Yale of Alpha Delta Phi is to be re-established.


Ottawa College is closed on account of the prevalence of typhoid fever among the students.

The annual boat race between Oxford and Cambridge universities has been fixed for March 24.

The annual meeting and dinner of the Princeton Club was held at the Hotel Brunswick in New York on Thursday night.

Mr. Alvan G. Clark is still on Mount Hamilton, his work on the Lick telescope being delayed by the intensely cold weather.

If the cable system is introduced in Cambridge, which seems probable, the central power station will be located at Harvard Square.

It is reported that Dr. Schliemann has discovered a Greek temple which he supposes to be the oldest in existence.

T. T. Chave, '91, purported to be president of the Freshman Latin and Greek Society, denies even the existence of such a society.

The two performances of the Columbia Dramatic Club netted about a thousand dollars for the benefit of the Boating Association.

Chauncey Depew said in a recent speech: "College men must combat the Anarchists and Communists. We must have college men."

The Dartmouth College nine has procured the services as coach of Mr. James Whitney, pitcher of the Washingtons. Whitney was formerly a pitcher on the Boston nine.

The college graduates' nine, which is coming east in the spring, has elected Packard, University of Michigan, president; Parker, Dartmouth, vice-president, and Tilden of Harvard, treasurer.

The tank of hot coffee which is furnished free to Cambridge railroad men in Miss Jones's store is not supplied by the company, but by subscriptions from Cambridge people.

Harmay, Yale '90, and Barnes, of Columbia, acted as pacemakers for Cunneff, the Irish champion, in his exhibition mile-run at the Manhattan games last Saturday night.

Another of Prof. N. S. Shaler's notable articles on the surface of the earth will appear in Scribner's Magazine for February, under the title of "Volcanoes." Among the illustrations will be a number of views of the great eruption in the Sandwich Islands.

The fourth symphony concert in Sander's Theatre will take place on Thursday evening. Mr. C. M. Loeffler will be the soloist and following is the programme to be presented: Academic overture, Brahms; symphonie espagnole, Lalo; Scherzo, from Midsummer Night's Dream, Mendelssohn; Im Walde Symphony, Raff.
