
Special Notices.

Notices, if not more than five lines, inserted in this column for 50 cents each insertion, or $2.00 a week. For over five lines, the rates are doubled. Short "Lost" and "Found" notices, if inserted once, free; every additional insertion 50 cents. Al

HISTORY I.- I shall give a thorough review of the Continental part of H. 1, and briefly review the English this evening at 7.15 p. m. at my room. W. J. BOWEN, 32 Hollis. j30 1t

HISTORY I- Review of the course at 7 p. m. Tutoring in Pol. Econ. 1. E. L. CONANT, 40 M. j30 1t

SEMINAR in Hist. 1, Monday evening at 7.30, in my room. An outline of the course and a map will be given to every man attending. GEO. L. HUNTER, 38 Grays. j28 3t

GERMAN A, Greek and Latin. Tutoring by CLIFFORD H. MOORE. Stoughton 10. j28 6t

GERMAN.- Tutoring in all courses by GEORG RODEMANN, A. M., formerly of Berlin University, 46 Mt. Auburn St. j28 6t


N. H. 4, History 1, History 2, Music 3, Hill's Rhetoric Abstract. Printed Notes at Wheeler's Printing Office, 416 Harvard street. j27 6t

ENGLISH A.- Tutoring. The method employed will follow closely the plan of the work in the class.

H. B. LATHROP, 24 College House.j27 6t

TUTORING in Political Economy 1; also (with seminar on eve of examination) in Pol. Econ. 4, History 12.

W. ALEXANDER, 24 Read's Block.jan 26 6t

PHYSICS B.- Tutoring done in this course by M. L. BRUUER, 63 College House. j25 6t

TUTORING in Pol. Econ. 1 by W. P. ELKINS, 52 College House. No charge if student fails to pass the examination. j25 4t

TUTORING in Latin A, German A and French A and 1. G. BRADFORD, JR., 8 Prescott St., Cambridge. j25 tf

TUTORING in Chem. A, C and 2; Math. A, C and D; and French A and 1. Seminar in Freshman Chemistry the night before the examination, at 7.30.

PERRY LAWTON, '88, 25 Hollis Hall.j25 6t
