A number of college men, most of them graduates, met recently in Chicago and organized a university base-ball association with A. L. Packard as president, F. B. Parker as vice-president, and F. M. Tilden as treasurer. They contemplate forming the best amateur nine in the country made up of college men for the purpose of taking an eastern circuit during the spring and summer college months. Most of those who have been already selected have graduated within the last five years and all of them are known as excellent players. The first nine men are: Fred M. Tilden, Harvard; F. H. Parker, Dartmouth; Dr. C. W. Plummer, Northwestern University; A. T. Packard, Ann Arbor; H. F. Burket, Oberlin; W. A. Gardner, Yale; Hubbard, Yale; Allen, Yale; Hibbard Ann Arbor. It will start on an eastern trip in May or before, and will play the leading college and amateur clubs.
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Co-operative Society Bulletin.