
Fact and Rumor.

There will be a meeting of the CRIMSON board to-day at 1.30 p. m.

There are 271 men in training for the various athletic teams.

Dr. McKenzie will conduct prayers this week.

There will be no recitation to-morrow in Fine Arts 4.

Princeton objects to being called a college in the columns of University.


It is stated positively that Columbia will have a nine in the field next spring.

Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter, D. D., Bishop of New York, will occupy the college pulpit to-morrow evening.

The members of the Freshman Glee Club have been finally picked out and are about twenty-four in number.

It should be remembered that all blue books for the mid-years must be handed in at the last recitations in all courses.

Prof. Bocher, Prof. Cohn and Mr. Sanderson will give a series of French readings later in the winter at the Annex.

Registration blanks of the following named freshmen are defective and should be corrected at once at the secretary's office: H. W. Bates, T. T. Chave, A. P. Emmons, J. R. Finlay, W. L. Griffin, F. G. Morgan, T. J. Stead, R. D. Weeks, C. E. Stearns, E. F. Leland.

After President Eliot's address this evening in Sever 11, Maxime Bocher will read his dissertation which received the Bowdoin prize in Group 4.

Notwithstanding the rapidly approaching mid-years, none should fail to go to Sever 11 this evening at quarter of seven and hear President Eliot's address on "College Public Opinion."

The Harvard Glee Club has been unable to accept the invitation of the University of Pennsylvania to take part in the joint concert in Easter week.

Prof. S. C. Langley, who received his early training at the Harvard Observatory, has been elected to succeed the late Prof. Baird as secretary of the Smithsonian Institute.

A majority of the committee appointed at Princeton to take action on President McCosh's resignation, are in favor of Professor Patton, D. D., for president, and Professor Sloane for vice-president. No definite action, however, will be taken until February.

"At Harvard, work on the college paper is accepted as a substitute for regular literary duty. Such a plan livens the interest in the paper and conduces to a large increase in the contributions to the same."- Princetonian.

This statement was manufactured out of whole cloth about two years ago, and has maintained a healthy existence ever since, appearing at least once in every college paper in the country.

The secretary is in receipt of applications for, 1st, a tutor to go to California at once, for five months; pay good. Applicant must be thoroughly competent to fit a boy for present requirements. Second, an instructor in Latin at a New England academy, to serve for a few weeks as substitute, beginning at once. Third, for an experienced teacher of English, to go to a California fitting school in August. Fourth, for one of equal capacity as regards French and German, also for August, 1888.
