
The Finance Committee on Athletics.

This committee was chosen late in the last college year for the purpose of auditing the accounts of the various athletic organizations in the University. It was further made its duty to prescribe the form in which these accounts should be kept; to dispose of any surplus which any of the organizations might have over certain specified sums; to ask for the resignation of any incompetent manager or treasurer; to preserve the records of the accounts of the organizations, and to make two reports each year. The committee chosen consisted of Mr. J. J. Storrow, of the Athletic Committee; Mr. Potter, of the Base Ball Association; Mr. Brooks, of the Foot-Ball Association; Mr. Copley Amory, of the Athletic Association, and Mr. W. S. Chaplin.

It was found impossible to hold a meeting of the committee and to put the plan into operation until the beginning of the present college year, when Messrs. Brooks and Potter had left the University. The Base-Ball Association, the Foot-Ball Association, the Athletic Association, the Boat Club and the Tennis Association have accepted the plan under which this committee was chosen, and have presented their accounts for examination. They have also made estimates of their income and expenditure for the present year. This committee have to report on the accounts of these organizations in detail as follows:-

The Boat Club has a debt of over $1,700, of which about $1,000 has been incurred during the last year. It has no regular income, depending for its support on subscriptions and the generous aid of other organizations in the University. Its accounts are well kept and are in excellent condition. From them it appears that the principal reason for the increase in the debt has been the heavy expense of repairing and maintaining the launch which the club owns. This expense, like all others, ought to be considered in the estimates of the club; and if they cannot be provided for before they are incurred, it is the opinion of this committee that they should not be incurred at all. We believe it to be the only safe policy for each year to bear its own expenses; and we think that, if the club cannot raise money to pay the expenses of the launch, it ought not to be put into service this year. The Base-Ball Association has offered to give the Boat Club $1,000 of its surplus; and this committee has approved of the gift on condition that by the aid of it, the Boat Club shall be out of debt at the end of the present college year.

The Foot-Ball Association was unable to present a detailed statement of its accounts for last year, as the books containing them had been lost. The general statement which was received showed that the association was in debt to the amount of $600. This case shows the importance of one of the objects for which this committee was appointed-to preserve a record of the organizations. The foot-ball season has been financially a successful one, and the association has now a handsome surplus There seems to be no reason why, with equally good management, the association may not be kept in a sound financial condition.

The accounts of the Athletic Association are in excellent order. The association is out of debt; it has a certain income; its expenses can be closely estimated; and its management in financial matters is good.


The Tennis Association has a debt which was incurred several years ago in making the courts. This debt is being steadily reduced at a satisfactory rate, and in a few years will be entirely paid. Its accounts are in good condition.

The Base Ball Association is very prosperous. It proposes to give the thousand dollars which it has above the surplus allowed by the plan to the Boat Club. As has been said above, this gift is approved under condition.

The committee believe that it will be well to make the following changes in the plan:

1st. The time of electing the members of the committee should be changed from June to the first week after the Christmas recess, and the committee then chosen should immediately assume office.

2d. The three members who are undergraduates, should come, one each from the senior, junior and sophomore classes.

The object of establishing the committee was mainly to insure continuity in the management of the societies. If the committee is all changed at one time, as might now be the case this object would not be gained.

That these changes may be immediately made, the present committee has tendered their resignations, to take effect on January 15th, 1888.

W. S. CHAPLIN, chairman;J. J. STORROW, JR.,COPLEY AMORY.Cambridge, Jan. 11, 1888.
