
Fact and Rumor.

The Guitar Club gave a very successful concert at Longwood last evening.

Two young Chinamen have entered the theological department at Tufts.

G. N. Lamb, '91, has been elected freshman director of the Shooting Club.

Benjamin Carpenter has resigned his position as leader of the Glee Club, and as yet no successor has been appointed.

Stoddard lecture this afternoon in Music Hall on "The Splendors of the Pyrenees."


Cambridge University, England, contains about one hundred distinct colleges.

There is an advance of five per cent. in college attendance in the United States this year over last.

The recent author's readings at Chickering Hall, New York, netted $4,000 for the "Copyright League."

Mr. John C. Ropes entertained the Historical Society at his house in Boston last evening.

The final list of examinations was out yesterday morning, and will be published in the CRIMSON the first of next week.

University says it will never advocate the dropping of Latin and Greek, nor even their continuance as optional studies at our colleges.

The annual dinner of the Bowdoin Alumni Association, of Portland, was held at the Falmouth House, in Portland, on the evening of Jan. 19th.

Dudley, the former quarter-back on the 'Varsity eleven, will enter the Law School next fall. He has been very successful as gymnasium director at Exeter this year.

The president of Brown University is an advocate of sparring as a means of developing the body.

A number of important discoveries have been made by archaeologists while excavating in Rome during the past month.

Under the heading "What Some of the Crimson Wearers can do to win Immortal Glory," the New Haven Union of Jan. 20 publishes the editorial on athletics in the last number of the Advocate.

University, the new magazine, offers two prizes of $250 each-one for the best prose paper and the other for the best production in verse. Competition is open to students in regular standing of any American college, and articles must be sent in before July 1, 1888.

At the dinner following the recent Yale Glee Club concert in Pittsburg, Bishop Whitehead, '63, of Western Pennsylvania, described the first trip of the glee club during the Civil War, when, dressed in blue suits and red sashes, they traveled around singing campaign songs.

To-night is the last night of the National Opera Company in Boston. A grand testimonial will be given to Manager Locke. The following is the programme: 1, second act of Tanhauser; 2, the garden scene from Faust; 3, third act of Nero, with the buring of Rome; 4, grand Bacchanal ballet from Faust.

A table showing the percentage of college students who enter the ministry, prepared by Prof. G. P. Morris, shows the following decrease: At Harvard, from 55 per cent. in 1650 to 1 per cent in 1875; at Yale, from 74 per cent. in 1710 to 8 per cent. in 1880; at Princeton, from 49 per cent. in 1750 to 18 per cent. in 1875; at Williams, from 25 per cent. in 1800 and 49 per cent. in 1825, to 12.7 per cent. in 1880; at Amherst, from 64 per cent. in 1825 to 13.5 per cent. in 1880. Weyleyan still shows 30 per cent. of ministers among her graduates.
