It is now definitely settled that the gift to the college of $25,000, made by H. R. A. Carey, will be devoted to the erection of a "fives court," in which the nine will be able to practice batting in addition to its present exercises in the "cage," as it will be lighted from above. The gift was accepted last fall, as Mr. Carey's decision to leave college liberated the corporation, in his case, from its policy of not accepting donations from undergraduates. It has not yet been decided just where the new building will be placed, as the authorities wish to leave room for expansions of the gymnasium, which has already become too small for the still increasing number of students. If possible, the lockers and bathing rooms will all be transferred to the new edifice, and efforts will be made to raise money enough for a swimming bath. The faculty fully realize that the bathing facilities are entirely inadequate, and, in any case, all the woodwork of the bath-rooms will be torn out next summer and the whole system will be radically changed, as the construction was faulty from the beginning. The pipe from the street is altogether too small, and the tank often runs dry, to the great annoyance of those who use the water. If the bath-rooms are moved, a large shower-bath will be retained in the gymnasium. Plans for the addition have already been made, but proved unsatisfactory, and the new ones are in progress. Work will be commenced at the earliest opportunity, and it is intended that there shall be no grounds for complaint next year.
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