POLITICAL IV. NOTES.- One set for sale at POWERS'S, 30 Boylston street, near post office. j18
POLITICAL ECONOMY 1, Philosophy 2, History 13: Tutoring. J. A. BAILEY, '88, 31 Stoughton. j12 6t
TUTORING.- English 8. H. W. STEVENS, Stoughton 6. j19 1t
TUTORING.- German A, I; Chemistry A; History 2; F. A, IV; Greek and Latin. Review of Chemistry A at 7.30 p. m., Jan. 26, in my room.
CLIFFORD H. MOORE,j19 6t 10 Stoughton.
TUTORING in Fine Arts IV and Hisory XIII. LINN LUCE, j19 6t 1Hollis Hall.
I WILL tutor in fine Arts 4. ELIOT NORTON, 10 Appian Way. j19 6t
GERMAN.- Tutoring in all courses by GEORG RODEMANN, A. M., formerly of Berlin University, 46 Mt. Auburn St. j14 6t eod
TUTORING in Chem. A, C and 2; Math. A, C and D and French A and 1. Seminar in Freshman Chemistry the night before the examination at 7.30. PERRY LAWTON, '88, 25 Hollis. j18 6t
TUTORING in Eng. A; Ger. A, His. I and II. ROBERT W. HERRICK, 25 Stoughton. j18 6t
TUTORING in History 9 and Polit. Econ. 8. J. A. HILL, Graduate Student, 10 Oxford street. j17
TUTORING in History XIII. Apply to GEORGE P. FURBER, 54 Thayer, evenings. j16 6t
MATHEMATICS A.- Special attention paid to tutoring this course by EDWARD O. PARKER, Stoughton 9. j14 6t
GET your Furniture repaired at POWERS'S, 30 Boylston street, near post office. j18
GUITAR FOR SALE-a fine one-at POWERS, 30 Boylston. j18
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