
Fact and Rumor.

Dr. McKenzie will conduct prayers this week.

The Yale Glee Club give a concert to-night at New Haven, which is followed by the sophomore German.

The Pierian Sodality played on Saturday evening at the Boston Art Club, and play to-night at Wellesley College.

The Conference Francaise has decided to hold its meetings on Thursday evenings.

The cricket club, of the U. of Penn., will play the Harvard team in Cambridge about the end of next May.


The programme rendered by the Sodality at West Medford last Friday evening was exceptionally well done and received great praise.

The order to re-open the Russian universities has been revoked. A chance to pursue studies at home is thus offered to the students.

A picture of the late Price Greenleaf, who made such generous gifts to the college last year, is being painted and will be placed in Memorial Hall.

The Pot Pourri, the annual Yale publication devoted to all matters of interest to the college, will be issued to-morrow.

Endicott, '90, who has been laid up at home for six weeks from an injury received in a scratch foot-ball game, has returned to college.

The work on the Harvard Bridge will be pushed this winter as rapidly as the weather will permit. The West End Railroad Company will run cars over the bridge and have applied for permission to have the tracks fenced in.

The freshman class at Harvard has a dramatic club.- Princetonian

Amherst has received a cabinet of minerals valued at $10,000 from Dr. C. U. Shepherd, son of the late Prof. Shepherd of Yale.

Harvard is not the only college which indulges in the pleasure of suping, it would seem. Johns Hopkins University has furnished all the supes for the Booth and Barrett exhibition in Baltimore the past week.

The Harvard, Yale and Princeton Glee Clubs have been invited by the U. of Penn. to assist at an entertainment to take place in the academy of music, Philadelphia, during Easter week.

It is said that a base-ball nine composed of old college players will come east from Chicago in April and arrange games with Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Amherst, Cornell, Williams and U. of Penn. Hubbard of Yale and Allen of Harvard will be catchers, and Tilden of Harvard first base.

Professor Goodwin's new edition of his "Greek Moods and Tenses" will be almost double the size of the present volume and will consist of four hundred pages. There will be important alterations throughout the whole book, notably in the treatment of conditional sentences.

The enormous undertaking of spanning the English Channel by a bridge is under consideration in France, and plans have been drawn. The proposed structure will connect Cran-aux-Oeufs with Folkestone, a distance of twenty-two miles. The estimated cost is $200,000,000, and the time required for construction seven years.

The Lick observatory which is now finished and ready for work marks the beginning of a new era of astronomical discovery. It is on Mt. Hamilton, about fifty miles from San Francisco, and is 4,200 feet above the sea and escapes all the heat and mists of the valleys. The climate is such that three-fourths of the year are clear and stars do not twinkle owing to the equal temperature which prevails at night at that altitude. It contains the largest and most powerful telescope in the world, and is supplied with the best apparatus and arrangements that can be had. A full descriptions of it and its surroundings may be found in the last Harper's Weekly.
