

PIERIAN SODALITY.- The barge for West Medford will be in front of Bartlett's at 6.30 this p. m. and will leave promptly at 6.40.

T. T. SEELYE, Sec.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- There will be an important meeting in Holyoke 9 at 7.30 o'clock this evening.

C. S. HOPKINSON, Sec.ALL who wish to try for coxswain for the freshman crew will meet at 30 Read's Block at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. All candidates bring their correct weight when stripped.

H. R. BISHOP, JR.GLOBE THEATRE MEETINGS.- More men than have yet offered their services will be needed for distributing the remaining tickets. All who can are earnestly requested to call at 39 Thayer to-day, 1.30-2.30.

GLOBE THEATE MEETINGS.- The boxes for contributions may be withdrawn from the Co-operative and Leavitt and Peirce's any time after Saturday. Men who have forgotten as yet to give should take note of this. Not quite $200 remain to be collected.

