At the regular quarterly meeting of the board of overseers of Harvard College held at No. 50 State street yesterday the following appointments were made: Edward Channing, Ph. D. and Albert Bushnell Hart, Ph. D., assistant professors of history for five years, from Sept. 1, 1887; William Hopkins Tillinghast, A. B., assistant librarian and editor of the quinquennial catalogue; William Coolidge Lane, A. B., assistant librarian; Henry W. Toney, Francis J. Child, Charles Eliot Norton, Crawford H. Foy and George D. Goodale re-appointed, and Charles T. Dunbar, members of the council of the library for three years, from Jan. 1, 1888. William Gray, Henry J. Bigelow and Henry Lee were elected trustees of the Museum of Fine Arts for four years from Jan. 1, 1888. Otto Reinhardt Hausen was appointed as proctor for 1887-8; Frederick Edward Cheney, M. D., instructor in ophthalmology for the remainder of the year; James Russell Lowell, L. L. D., Smith professor emeritus; Walcott Gibb, M. D., L. L. D., Rumford professor emeritus.
It was voted to concede in changing the title of the professorship established June 26, 1869, from that of professorship of paleontology to that of professorship of geology.
It was voted that the subject of athletic exercises and alleged abuses, excesses and accidents incident to the same, be referred to a select committee of five, to report at such time as may suit their convenience during the present academic year. The committee consists of Messrs. Storey, Walcott, Putnam, Coolidge and Lovell.- Boston Advertiser.
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