

Rehearsal of Harvard Banjo Club Thursday, 7 p. m., 16 Holyoke House.

Lost.- A small gold horseshoe. Finder will please leave with Leavitt and Peirce.

Tutoring in Hist. 9 and Polit. Econ. 8. J. A. Hill, graduate student, 10 Oxford street.

Boylston Chemical Club.- Meeting this evening at 7 p. m. in 8 Boylston Hall. Paper by W. B. Bentley.

Harvard Y. M. C. A. will hold a meeting to-night at 6.30. Officers for the second half-year will be elected and a full attendance is desired.


Lost.- Female fox terrier pup, black and tan head, black spots on body. Finder will be rewarded by returning it to H. Vingu, 896 Main street, Cambridge.

All who wish to try for coxswain for the freshman crew will meet at 30 Read's Block at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. All candidates bring their correct weight when stripped.

H. R. BISHOP, JR.The following men will please meet at Pach's studio in uniform to-day at 2 sharp: Bass, Barnett, Finlay, Horn, Higgins, Goldthwaite, Cumnock, Nichols, Weld, Crane, Bangs, Blanchard, Post.

R. J. CLARK.At a meeting of the Canoe club last night the following men were elected members: G. Bullard, W. W. Mackay, T. Talbot, M. Whitridge, '89; Frank Magouan, H. H. Thorndike, '90; W. Stickney, '91, and G. L. Kingsley, M. S. A very successful smoker was held after the meeting.

Globe Theatre Services.- The committee on music wish to express their appreciation of the efforts of the singing men in the college at the Sunday evening meetings, It is hoped that at the last service that is to be held next Sunday the chorus will be even larger and more effective than hitherto. Let every man in college who is interested in this undertaking and who has an ear for music give his assistance. A special rehearsal of the chorus will be held in Appleton Chapel this afternoon immediately after the vesper service. A large attendance is requested.
