EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON:- In a recent number of the CRIMSON it was stated that an addition to the gymnasium would be begun next spring, but that it would not contain a swimming pool as had been rumored. I wish to put in a plea for the swimming pool. It seems strange that in a great university where every other sport receives attention, swimming, the most useful of all, should be entirely neglected. If then, we are to have an addition to the gymnasium, why not devote at least part of it to that delightful and beneficial recreation? For swimming besides being almost a necessary accomplishment, is one of the very best exercises for developing the muscles of the whole body. Probably three-quarters of the men in college swim and enjoy the sport thoroughly; and to them a swimming pool would be the most welcome addition possible to the gymnasium.
Of course if it is a monetary consideration that prevents the University authorities giving us a place to swim in, we can only wait and hope; but if that is not the reason let us by all means have a swimming pool.
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