The celebrated Longwood minstrels appear to-night in Music Hall in aid of the Boy's Home. The performance will be repeated to-morrow evening.
The CRIMSON has received from the New York Evening Post Publishing Co. a reprint of editorials which appeared in the Post against the Blair Educational Bill.
The annual Christmas play presented by students of Boston college was "King Robert of Sicily," the dramatized version of Longfellow's poem of that name.
There will be a change in the routes of the Cambridge horse-cars in a short time. Cars will run from Harvard square to Park square and thence to City Point. Also from Harvard square to Bowdoin square, thence up Washington street to Essex street.
After the lecture Monday evening, Prof. James entertained Prof. Adler and his wife at his house. Many of the students were present at the reception, and among the others who availed themselves of the opportunity to meet Prof. Adler were President and Mrs. Eliot, Prof. Peabody, Prof. Royce and Professor Norton.
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