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We wish to endorse very emphatically the statements and propositions made in the article on Memorial Hall in our yesterday's issue. The gentleman who gave himself the pains to investigate the management of the hall is a man of very high standing in New York City, and his purpose was of the most disinterested kind. The results of his investigations as partially given in our article of yesterday, show that he approached the matter in detail, with the earnest purpose of suggesting real and practical improvements. The proposition that the college ought to employ a salaried official to control the actions of the steward and to keep an actual watch on the nature of the food served, in place of continuing the absolute farce of a student board of directors, meets with our heartiest approval. That this student board is of necessity a farce, no one will fail to recognize who knows anything of its methods of work. We are in the position to note that in the past four years not a single action has been taken by any board of directors to effectually influence the course pursued by the steward. It is not in the nature of the case that students, who know absolutely nothing about the proper and economic management of a dining association, such as we have here, should accomplish the task that is expected of them.

It is high time that the college authorities recognize the necessity of instituting a change. As for the specific remedies suggested by this article, they are so eminently sensible that we hope to see them carried out. It the board of directors have any vitality at all in them they have a chance to show it now by following the path that this outsider has so clearly pointed out to them.
