
Fact and Rumor.

The tennis courts are in excellent condition.

Prof. C. J. White will act as Dean during the coming year.

The Freshman class at Cornell numbers 351 men.

There are 315 students at Exeter this year.

A. H. Lloyd, '86, formerly president of the CRIMSON board, has returned to Cambridge as a graduate student.


Hunt, last year's centre fielder at Yale, was seriously injured last summer while sliding to a base.

Regular attendance at the gymnasium is to be required of the Princeton freshmen.

The Lampoon will publish its first number in about a week. The subscription has been reduced from $3.00 to $2.00

The post-office has been removed from its old place in Harvard square to more luxurious quarters in Read block.

The freshman class at Yale numbers 304 students, distributed as follows: Acadamic, 204; Scientific School, 100.

It is expected that there will be a class championship in foot-ball this fall.

All the seats at Memorial are taken and there is a waiting list of nearly a hundred.

Foot-ball practice took place yesterday on Jarvis. All last year's team return this year except Dudley, Fetcher and Peadody.

W. H. Thayer, '89, has not returned to college on account of ill health, and H. O. Poor, '90, has been elected secretary pro tem.

There is to be no settled pastor at Yale this year, and the pulpit will be filled by clergymen from neighboring cities.

Henry W. Keyes has been elected captain of the university crew, and Arthur Henshaw of the nine for the coming year.

The Superior Court of the Pow-Wow will be composed of the following men this year: Messrs. Anderson, Yale '87; Furber, '87; de Gersdorf, '87; Holland, '85; Hudson, '87; Rich, '87; Sheffield, Yale '87, and Stedman, '87.

At 3 o'clock yesterday 143 new special students had registered at the office. The number of freshmen who passed the June examinations was slightly greater than last year.

The new dormitory at Tufts is divided into apartments of three rooms each, a sitting room, bed room and bathroom, the rent for all of which is but $150.

About forty men are practicing for the Yale 'Varsity eleven. Beecher, Corbin, Woodruff, Wallace, Gill, Morrison and Pratt of last year's team are among the candidates.

The attention of students is called to the posted bulletin of the Co-operative Society, which states that hereafter non-members will be allowed the privilege of purchasing goods at the society store, but that members alone will receive a share in the profits at the end of the year. The membership fee has been reduced to $1.50, and is within the means of everyone.
