Article I.-The name of the association shall be the American Intercollegiate Foot-Ball Association.
Article II.-Sec. I.-This association shall consist of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Wesleyan, and University of Pennsylvania.
Sec. II.-No college shall be admitted to membership except by a unanimous vote.
Sec. III.-The annual assessment shall be fifty dollars from each college, and out of the total sum seventy-five dollars shall be expended for a Championship Pennant.
Sec. IV.-Any college failing to pay this annual assessment on or before December 1st of each year shall forfeit its membership to this association.
Article III.-Sec. 1.-The officers shall consist of a President a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The Presidency shall be held by the college last holding the championship. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected by ballot.
(The next two sections of this article relate to the Advisory Committee, and will be formulated at the next meeting of the Association.)
Article IV.-Sec I.-The series shall consist of one game with each college, and shall be played upon grounds mutually agreed upon.
Sec. II.-The final game of each year shall be played between the two leading teams of the year preceding, and shall be played on the last day of the foot-ball season at or near New York City.
Sec. III.-The Championship shall be decided by greatest number of games won. In case of a tie in games won, the team losing the fewest games shall have the championship. In case of a tie, the championship shall not hold over, but to decide the teams for the final game the record shall hold over.
Article V.-Sec. I.-Each team shall receive its entire home gate receipts, and shall pay its own expenses, unless mutually agreed upon.
Article VI.-Any team failing to meet its engagements shall, unless the failure be caused by unavoidable accident in travelling, or a game is postponed with the consent in writing of the other team, forfeit its membership.
Any college failing to put a team in the field each year shall forfeit its membership. A certificate signed by three members of the faculty shall be considered sufficient excuse for failure to play.
Article VII.- There shall be two annual meetings of this association. One to be held on the first Saturday in May, the other to be held on the second Saturday in October.
Article VIII.- The printing of the rules and constitution shall be given to Mr. Walter C. Camp, and fifty copies shall be forwarded to each college of the association free of charge.
Article IX.- No man shall play more than five years in this association.
Article X.- If a question arises concerning the eligibility of any member of a team to play in championship matches, a certificate signed by three members of the faculty, stating that he is a member of the college in regular standing, shall be deemed sufficient. All other questions of eligibility shall be decided by the committee of appeals.
Article XI.- A majority vote shall be necessary to pass any measure, each college having but one vote.
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Order of March.