

LOST. - A silver-edged pocket book containing some bills. The finder will be suitably rewarded by calling at 23 Felton Hall.

NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. - Photograph will be taken to-day, Wednesday, June 8, at 2 p.m. at Pach's studio, Main street.

EVERETT ATHENAEUM. - The society will be photographed at 1.30 p.m. today on the north steps of the library. Every member must be present promptly.

C. H. MOORE, Sec.SHOOTING CLUB. - The club will be photographed Thursday, June 9, at 1.30 p.m. on back steps of Sever. Members will please bring their guns.

F. S. MEAD.The following officers of the Harvard Young Men's Christian Association have been elected for the ensuing half-year: President, F. H. Means, '88; Recording Secretary, H. R. Miles, '88; Corresponding Secretary, S. W. Sturgis, '90; Treasurer, W. F. Richards, '89; Librarian, H. D. Jenks, '90.


The same ushers who officiated in the Princeton game will please be on hand at 2 o'clock sharp, June 8th and 25th.

W. H. RAND,LOST. - On Holmes field or in the gymnasium, yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon between 2 and 4 o'clock, a black leather card case with the initials "S. W." on the outside and the owner's name and cards within. The finder will confer a great favor upon the owner by leaving his address or the lost article at No. 5 Linden street.

HARVARD Y. M. C. A. - The Harvard Y. M. C. A. will be photographed this (Wednesday) morning on the steps of Sever at 9 o'clock promptly.

J. H. ROPES, Sec.LOST. - A copy of Laughlin's edition of Mill's Political Economy. The owner's name and address inside. Finder will confer a favor by returning it to owner.

FOUND. - A jet chain picked up on Garden street. Owner can have it by applying at 712 Cambridge street.
