
Fact and Rumor

Mr. Egan will probably umpire today's game.

The Freshman play the Yale Freshmen to-day in New Haven.

The second 'Varsity crew is now rowing in great form.

About twelve hundred reserved seats have been sold for to-morrow's game.

Frank Campbell of the nine was once a member of the Boston Latin School.


The make-up examinations in History 11, will be on Monday afternoon, June 13.

The annual ball game between Andover and Exeter takes place next Saturday at Exeter.

The appointments for the commencement exercises of the senior class at Yale are announced.

The Hasty Pudding Club spring theatricals will be under the charge of Benjamin Carpenter.

The battery for Harvard in to-day's game will be Bingham and Henshaw; Campbell will play at third.

The annual election of officers of the Princeton College Athletic Association took place yesterday.

The Glee Club gave a very enjoyable concert in the yard Monday evening. Their efforts were appreciated by a large audience.

Those who wish admission tickets for the game to-day, will avoid inconvenience by purchasing them at Leavitt and Peirce's this morning.

Invitations for Class Day are now in order.

The University of Pennsylvania nine will play its last game to-day.
