EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON: For several years it has been the custom of our Glee Club to give a concert in the yard to the members of the Princeton nine in the evening after the annual game between Princeton and Harvard at Cambridge. It has been a matter of wonder to many why a like honor has never been paid to the Yale nine. There is no apparent reason why the nine from one of our sister colleges should be more honored than that from the other. The distinction that has been made every year probably arose from some accidental circumstances, and from this has grown into a regular custom. If such circumstances - whatever they were - no longer exist, there is obviously no reason for honoring one nine and not the other.
There was no concert this year after the Princeton game for reasons that have been enumerated in these columns in a recent issue; the main reason being that the Princeton nine were obliged to take an early train back to Princeton, and were thus prevented from staying in Cambridge during the evening. It is well known what difficulty is found in getting the men together to sing, particularly at this time of the year. For this reason the efforts of the club when they do appear are all the more appreciated.
It is the purpose of the club to sing in the yard to-night if Harvard is victorious. Let them sing in any event, whether Harvard wins or Yale; let the concert be in honor of the Yale nine.
The custom is a gracious one and things of this nature are what tend to make the feeling between colleges one of gentlemanly and courteous rivalry and not one of bitter antagonism.
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