
Special Notices.

Highest cash prices paid for cast-off clothing. Send postal to W. H. Brown, 465 Main St., Cambridgeport.

107Full dress and business shirts; also Madras, Penang and Cheviot made to measure. Co-operative discount, 10 per cent. allowed. Ray's, corner West and Washington streets, Boston.

73The Cambridge Tribune, published this afternoon, will have an artistic reproduction of the Composite Photograph of the Senior Class of Harvard - one hundred and fifty-eight faces in one. For sale at Amee's and the Co-operative. Five cents.

Students who desire to make money should engage in selling the newest, most popular, most reliable, and considering its size, breadth and scope, by far the cheapest work of reference now before the public. Liberal terms. Address B. A. Fowler, 36 Bromfield Street Boston, Mass.
