With to-day's number, the' CRIMSON closes its issue for the year. It is with mingled grief and pleasure that we greet the members of '87 on the morning of their class day. We shall all miss them when they are gone. Their achievements in the field in of knowledge as well as their victories in the field of athletics will keep their memory green in the hearts of all those who were in college with them. A few days hence they will wave their degrees high in air and bid their Alma Mater an affectionate farewell. Our best wishes go with them, may their actions in the great world about us equal their achievements in our college world. To the class of '88 which is about to take the place vacated by those who have their Class Day to day, we extend our earnest wishes for future eminence and success. If its advent to the position of senior is marked by those victories in athletics for which we are looking so longingly, we may rest assured that it will in its turn give the present sophomores a farewell as glorious as that it receives from Eighty-seven.
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The Freshman Race with Columbia.