Powers of 30 Boylston street, gives lowest figures on laying cloth carpets, coverings for stairs and floors for Class Day spreads. Camp chairs and tables to let cheap. Apply early and get low prices.
Special students can be accommodated with board during vacation at Mrs. T. H. Brewer, Brattle square. 123
Class Day dress shirts, dress ties, dress studs, dress hose, dress suits, dress white vests, dress gloves. Rosettes in the latest style, also keep constantly on hand tennis blazers, tennis caps, tennis pants, tennis shoes, tennis balls, tennis rackets. J. F. Noera, 436 Harvard street, Harvard Furnisher.
For Sale. A Brussells carpet 13 1-2 by 16 1-2 feet; in good condition. Made to fit a corner room in Thayer. Apply at 83 Thayer.
122Delicious ice cream, 10 and 15c. per plate at Belcher's confectionery, next door to Leavitt and Peirce.
104If you wish to have a spread or lunch at your rooms or club served in first-class style, send your order to Belcher, confectioner, 440 Harvard street, next door to Leavitt and Peirce.
103To Let - Unfurnished, for the next college year, some of the most desirable and sunny suites of rooms, with bathroom. Apply at Picture-Frame Store, Hilton Block, or A. Morgan, 16 Winthrop street.
85Special line of white tennis pants long and short, English cricket flannel striped coats, $3.50, $4, $5 and $7. Special line of striped caps, all colors. Franklin Expert racket, Wentworth racket. Tennis suits made to order and fit guaranteed. Tennis shoes, balls, belts, pants and shirts. J. W. Brine, 10 and 11 Harvard Row, Cambridge.
Tennis ! - Just received by steamer Pavonia, ten pieces English stripped flannel; 52 dozen fancy stripped caps, all colors, 10 dozen cloth helmets. We keep constantly on hand a large assortment of white flannel. Wright & Ditson rackets, Peck & Snyder rackets and balls, Ayer's tennis balls. New style of straw hats, tennis shoes, nets, blazers, cheviot shirts, French flannel shirts, etc. We fill orders at very short notice. All our goods are made on our our premises. We guarantee a perfect fit, as well as goods. J. F. Noera, 436 Harvard street
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