
Fact and Rumor.

The Columbia men were said to be very free with their money yesterday.

The Yale team will be accompanied on its trip here Saturday by about 300 Yale men.

The race with Columbia yesterday was postponed on account of the bad weather.

The Yale Freshmen crew have arrived at New London and are occupying their old quarters at Gale's Ferry.

The Hasty Pudding Club Strawberry Night theatricals took place last evening, and were a pronounced success.


Mr. W. A. Leahy, '88, has been elected first Marshal of the O. B. K., vice Mr. R. B. Mahany, '88, resigned.

The "Advocate", containing Class Day parts and complete list of 'Spreads' will be ready at noon to-day.

All editors of the CRIMSON, past and present, are invited to be present at the Sanctum at 9 o'clock on Saturday evening.

The letter from New London, which the CRIMSON expected to publish today, has been crowded out by the necessary Class Day notices.

The Freshman crew were compelled to leave New London and return to Cambridge for the German examination which took place yesterday. They left for New London as soon it was over.

The Harvard-Princeton game, postponed from May 28, has been forfeited by the Princeton club. Those who held tickets can have until to morrow to redeem them at Leavitt & Peirce's.

Mr. De Wolfe Howe has been elected editor-in-chief, and Mr. Bancroft business manager of the "Monthly",

Every subscriber to the CRIMSON should receive with his paper to-day a copy of the Class Song and a program of the Class Day exercises.

At a meeting of the Darmouth Base Ball Association Wednesday, the following officers were elected for next year: L. C. White, Jr., Windsor, Vt., president; H. J. Willet, St. Johnsbury, Vt., vice-president; C. C. Doane, Harwich, Mass., treasurer. About $200 remain in the treasurery. Gold medals were voted for the nine. The students had a jubilee last night, over the result of the Amherst-William game Wednesday, which gives Dartmouth the penant.

The Committee on Literature and Art of the Harvard Club would be glad to receive books or pamphlets which the Alumni desire to contribute for the library of the new clubhouse at 11 West Twenty-second street. Back numbers of college papers, class reports, Commencement and Class Day programmes, in fact anything relating to Harvard, will be acceptable, as well as general literature. The committee consists of Luigi Monti, Arthur H. Cutler, and Evert J. Wendell. - N. Y. Times.
