Composite photographs of Harvard 1887, the Harvard Professors, and the Annex may be had by sending fifty cents to Lovell's Studio, 105 Main street, Northampton, Mass. Composite photographs may be had for the same price of Williams 1887, Smith 1883, '86, and 87, Mt. Holyoke Seminary 1887, and of many other colleges and seminaries.
124Class Day dress shirts, white dress ties, white dress gloves. Full dress shirts, open back and front, with bosom.
We have a beautiful line of summer underwear, neckwear and summer hosiery. Tennis coats, caps and pants. Co-operative discount on all our goods. J. W. Brine, 10 and 11 Harvard Row, next to Post Office.
Delicious ice cream, 10 and 15c. per plate at Belcher's confectionery, next door to Leavitt and Peirce.
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