To-day is the last day of examinations.
Last evening was the O. K. Strawberry night.
The Columbia-Harvard race takes place-to-day at 12 o'clock. Mr. R. C. Watson has been chosen referee.
The dissensions in the Harvard Union were healed yesterday by the yielding up of the books to the newly elected officers.
The 'Varsity nine with substitutes and Smith, '86, attended Barnum's circus last evening. The dissipation probably did them good.
The University of Virginia has more graduates in Congress than any other institution in this country. Harvard stands next and Yale third.
Peet, the coach of the Columbia crew is reported to have said that this year's 'Varsity crew is fully as strong as that of last year.
Seniors expecting honorable mention will send in a list of the electives in which they expect to attain it, on or before next Saturday.
By the Greenleaf fund about twelve thousand dollars has been added to the annual fund to be expended in books for the Harvard College library, thus making the fund eighteen thousand dollars.
Yesterday's Herald has a very interesting article on the crews at New London. According to the account in this paper our launch met with an accident while it was being landed and will be unfit for use till Saturday a least.
The commencement exercises at Brown were held on the same day that the Brown nine played the team from Harvard.
The highest mark in English 12 is 86 per cent. The low run of marks creates much dissatisfaction in this section.
The rooms for the German A examination to-day are assigned as follows:
Section 1, Sever 35; section 2, Alexander to Eaton, Sever 17, Endicott to Wattes, Sever 18; Section 3, Sever 29; Section 4, Sever 30; Section 5, Sever 35; Section 6, Sever 37.
The CRIMSON to-morrow will be the last issue of the year. It will contain the list of names of the Class Day officers, the Class day program, Class Song, a list of all seniors who intend to spread, and a letter from New London. The paper will be on sale all day at Leavitt and Peirce's, Bartlett's and Amee's.
Final honors in classics have been voted to H. W. Brainard, A. T. Dudley, F. W. Nicolson, F. C. Southward. Second year honors have been voted as follows: Highest honors to I. Babbitt, W. F. Giese. H. B. Lathrop, J. H. Ropes. Honors, H. L. Bailey, G. L. Hunter, R. C. Cabot,
R. B. Mahany, G. D. Chase, C. H. Moore, J. L. Goodale, C. Warren, F. E. Haynes.
The following are the dates of the races between the crews of the various colleges: Thursday, June, 23 - Harvard and Columbia 'Varsity at 12 m. Friday June 24 - Yale and Pennsylvania 'Varsity. Saturday, June 25 - Yale and Pennsylvania Freshmen. Thursday, June 30 - Harvard and Columbia Freshmen. Friday, July 1 - Yale and Harvard 'Varsity at 6.30 p. m.
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