
The Crews at New London.

[Special Correspondence of the CRIMSON.]

NEW LONDON, June 19. - The two crews after a three-hour ride arrived at New London at three o'clock, Saturday. There they found the craft named "Cecile," a mixture of boat, steamer and ruin, waiting to carry them five miles up river to the quarters. The three large shells and numerous small ones were hastily put aboard the boat and all was ready in an hour, when it was advised that the baggage be also put aboard. On examination it was found that the trunks and valises had all gone across the river on the ferry, and so the "Cecile" laboring under the heavy load, steamed across, and picked up what could be found of it. Then came the pleasant half-hour sail, and at half-past four the little craft drew up at the pier off the Harvard quarters. Again all was business and the shells' trunks, valises, etc., were quickly taken ashore and the two crews separated, the Freshmen to walk along the beach to their quarters, half a mile distant, the 'University to settle themselves in their little house near by. Within ten minutes after landing, the big red flag with "Harvard" in white letters on it was flying above the quarters and at the Freshman shanty, an American flag.

After supper and as soon as the shells could be got into order, the University started out for a short row, and as they left the float the Columbia University crew passed down the river on the other side evidently taking a time row. The crew went off easily, rowing slow and long. A few minutes later the Freshmen followed in their boat and felt the water of the Thames for the first time. It was just at sunset and the wind had died down, so that the water was in excellent condition.

As the boat returned, half an hour later, the Columbia launch steamed up river again, towing the shell and carrying the crew back to their quarters. They row with a somewhat quick but very powerful stroke. They rowed their first mile - as long as they could be seen well from the quarters - with a good rate of speed on, and with about 36 strokes to the minute.

In the evening the warm air permitted both the Harvard crews to sit out before their quarters, and so the night passed with banjo music and conversation and sleep. In the morning first came the plunge into the river and then breakfast. Sunday being a day not intended for rowing, portions of both crews walked some two miles over to Gale's Ferry to a quaint old New England meeting house, and heard a good old New England Methodist sermon.

In the afternoon the Pennsylvania crew passed up stream on their steamer, with their shells on the upper deck. As they passed the Freshman quarters the flag was dipped three times and Pennsylvania gave a returning salute.


Yale has not yet made her appearance, but is expected by Tuesday or Wednesday. When she arrives there will be eight crews rowing on the river every day and the Thames will be the scene of considerable excitement.

J. H. S.
