Junior Thesis rehearsed to-day.
Four substitutes will go to New London with the Freshman crew.
The Longwood Cricket Club defeated the Mystics on Friday by a score of 103 to 97.
Ex-president Mark Hopkins of Williams College died at Williamstown last Friday morning.
The inter-state cricket match between New York and New Jersey was begun last Friday.
The water in Fresh Pond is said to be very low for the season. It is nine feet below high water mark.
There has been handed in at the office an anonymous elective blank. It is now on the bulletin board in University, awaiting its owner.
It is understood that Mr. Carey did not give any money for a swimming tank, but has offered a sum for the erection of a building in which the nine can practice hand-ball during the winter.
The standing of the clubs in the College League is as follows:
CLUBS. Yale Harvard Princeton Columbia Games Won Games Played Percentage Won.
Yale .. 1 4 - 5 6 .833
Harvard 1 .. 2 - 3 5 .600
Princeton 0 1 .. - 1 7 .142
*Columbia 0 0 0 .. 0 - .000
Game Lost 1 2 6 - 8 .. ..
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