
The June "Monthly."

The iconoclastic spirit is a powerful one; we love to see the old gods dethroned and new ones set in their places. Mr. T. S. Perry has unearthed a new god in the person of Ebenezer Jones, for whose poems he wishes us to make a place, even if we have to thrust aside "some of his more successful rivals, who are admired simply because they happen to be the fashion." Mr. Perry is an eloquent and skillful advocate, but we must not forget that "fashion" in such matters is usually right: if it makes a favorite of one poet, it is because he has something to say or, at least, says nothing in an attractive manner; if it disregards another, we may find the reason in some defect which for the time or forever condemns him to oblivion. If Mr. Jones had but little joy in his life we can but grieve for him. It will not lighten his pain, now that he is dead, if his volume be thumbed ever so eagerly. But Mr. Perry makes no attempt to screen his new god's defects, and in the end he leaves us to judge if after all it be not a real god.

Following Mr. Perry's article is an exceedingly vigorous and entertaining review of George Meredith. The writer seems fairly to have overstepped the usual limitations of college literary work, though the fairness of his judgment is somewhat hampered by his inability to recognize the faults of his author. The sketch entitled "Maurice Grande's Wife," suffers much from cruelty of thought and expression, and the theme is far from elevating or interesting. "The Mill of the Gods," is a fanciful piece well told in few and well-chosen words.

The verse contained in the paper is graceful and flowing, and in it may be found touches of individuality, though for the most part, like all college verse, it is the echo of familiar poems. The number concludes with two interesting editorials and some readable book notices.
