
Fact and Rumor.

Senator Hoar addressed the students of Amherst on Commencement Day.

Bogart, captain of the Columbia freshman crew, is sick at New London.

Owing to the tide the Yale Harvard race will be rowed about 6.30 in the evening.

The reserve nine at Yale is making quite a reputation for itself. It has a large record of victories.

Prof. Ripley of Yale played an exhibition match with Sears of Boston at New Haven on Tuesday. Prof. Ripley is said to be an expert at tennis.


The Yale freshmen are said to have a crew second only to the famous crew of '89 which took to the water so naturally last year.

The first meeting of the members of the New Athletic Club of Boston was held Tuesday evening. The limit of membership was placed at twelve hundred.

In the tennis tournament at New Haven, Slocum of Yale, '83. won the first prize in singles. Thatcher, Yale '86, and Beach '88 won easily in the doubles.

In the tennis tournament at Yale for the championship of the college, first place was won by Porter '87. The winners of the doubles were Porter and Thomas, both of '87.

Political Economy 2 and 6. - Students who wish to confer with me in regard to these courses will find me at 20 Holworthy from 2 to 3 this afternoon.

F.W. TAUSSIG.The library at Yale has received a gift of five valuable pieces of antique furniture.

History 2. - Examination for making up the mid-year on Wednesday, June 22, in U.E.R.

The examination for honors in History will be held in Harvard 6, on Tuesday, June 21, beginning at 9.15.

The senior class at Exeter have presented the Academy with a beautiful stained glass window to be placed in the back of the chapel.

Marks in Natural History I will be given out on personal application at the lecture room, Friday, June 17, at 9 or 12.30.

Political Economy 2 and 5. - Students who wish to confer with Assistant Professor Taussig, in regard to these courses will find him in 20 Holworthy from 2 to 3 this afternoon.

A Harvard senior proposes to have a composite picture of his class and one of the senior class at Wellesley made into one which he will exhibit as a good type of the coming American. - The Dartmouth.

Another successful attempt to lower college records was made at Yale a few days ago. Ludington, '87, broke his own record of 18 seconds in the 120 yards hurddle by 1-4 of a second Sherrill '89, tried hard to break the record in the 100 yards dash, but was unable to do so. He has a record of 10 1-5 seconds for this event.
