As the present prospect is that the University Boat Club will leave a debt of about one thousand dollars ($1000.00) this year, I wish to make a statement of the accounts, hoping that those men who have not yet paid their subscriptions, will be led, thereby, to pay them at once.
Though the club was supposed to have started clear this year, it owed, in reality, seven hundred and thirty five dollars and seventy-five cents ($735.75). To offset this debt, there was a balance of one hundred and sixty dollars and three cents ($160.03).
The items of the debt were as follows: E. E. Water & Sons, due on shell, $206.00; '88 class crew, for one half-cost of boat broken in halves by the boat club last year, $181; Boston Tow Boat Company, for lifting launch on and off the cars, $80; class race flags, $50; Gynne & Co., $3; Gordon Dexter, for running expenses of launch last year, $161; C. D. Wilder & Co., $4.75, and $50 due Thomas Fearson on a pair-oared bought in '84.
Under the supposition that the club was free from debt, subscriptions have fallen off almost six hundred dollars. The Pudding theatrical receipts were two hundred dollars less than last year, and the D. K. E. gave the club four hundred dollars less than they did a year ago.
The expenses for boats have been nearly three times as heavy as they were last year.
Such then is the present condition of affairs.
It is absolutely necessary that every cent which has been subscribed should be paid up at once. The amount of unpaid subscriptions is almost a thousand dollars. The least that can be expected is that men should pay what they have pledged themselves for, and if these subscriptions are paid promptly it will be a very material help. All men who have not subscribed, or feel that they can give any more, should send their subscriptions to G. T. Keyes, 18 Holworthy, who will act as treasurer while I am in New London.
F. G. BALCH.,Sec. H. U. B. C.
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