EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON: An editorial appeared in yesterday's CRIMSON giving the reason why so few games have been arranged by the University base-ball management for the time remaining before the Yale game. It may not be out of place in connection with this subject, to offer a suggestion which may prove of some value even though it is not followed out entirely.
Now that the class games are over and the examinations of many men are finished, it seems to me that there would be little difficulty encountered in organizing a nine after the plan of the Yale Consolidated Nine, which may play with the 'Varsity nine three or four times a week and give them the practice of playing in regular games, which is so much more beneficial than the ordinary fielding and batting practice they are now taking every day.
The college at large was not only surprised but greatly elated over the victory which the nine won last Wednesday, and there is no lack of confidence that they will win again on the twenty fifth. Nevertheless it is undoubtedly true that every one would feel better if they saw the nine playing regular games every day or two.
The suggestion I have offered seems to me to be practicable enough. There is sufficiently good material outside of the 'Varsity nine to make up a team that would give the 'Varsity good practice in the field, at the bat, and on the bases. The benefit of such a nine would not only be felt in the practice the 'Varsity would receive but an excellent chance for development of talent for future nines would be given.
It is true that this suggestion has come rather late and that a nine made up thus late in the year would have little chance to develop base-ball talent. Nevertheless the primary object - that of giving practice to this year's 'Varsity team - will be accomplished, and besides this, a consolidated team will have been started this year which can be reorganized next season with less trouble than a new nine could be gotten together.
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