
Fact and Rumor.

The Boston Union base-ball grounds have been leased to Barnum's circus.

The 'Varsity crew has been unable to arrange a race with the Union Boat Club eight this year.

The examination in German I was considered a hard one by those students who took it.

In a recent lecture before the Cornell students, Edward Everett Hale said that the best opportunity of studying human nature was to be had by entering the profession of schoolmaster.

A piece dated New Haven, and published in the Monday evening edition of the Globe, asserts that Stagg was sick in last Wednesday's game. We can readily believe it. He was sick, - of pitching.


The Glee Club has received a very flattering invitation to sing at one of the Music Hall promenade concerts, next week, but, owing to the absence of several members, the club has been unable to accept.

Political Economy 2 and 5. - Students who wish to confer with Assistant Professor Taussig, in regard to these courses will find him in 20 Holworthy from 2 to 3 on Wednesday, Thursday. and Friday, June 15, 16, and 17.

Political Economy 2 and 6. - Students who wish to confer with me in regard to these courses will find me at 20 Holworthy from 2 to 3 on the afternoons of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, June 15, 16 and 17.

F. W. TAUSSIG.Mr. George C. Jarvis of Brooklyn N. Y. has given $30.000. for a new Science Building at Trinity.

The Trinity Tablet complains that broken bottles are thrown around the walks of the campus. Whence come these bottles? Since May 1st, we have seen no bottles here.

Students who were supplied with keys to the room of the Political Economy Library (U. 14) can return the keys and will have money refunded at 20 Holworthy, between the hours of 2 and 3 on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday June 15, 16 and 17.

The following men were elected on the Hasty Pudding: Brewer, C. N. Cogswell, Dane, S. Gleason, Livingood, Marden, Marks, McCleary, Means, Sempers, E. C. Stowell, Stetson, Thompson, Ulrich, Wardner, Workum, Honorary members: Fargo, Hopkins, Van Heusen, Noble, Lawrence, Purdon, Stevens.

The entries in the New Haven Lawn Tennis Club are composed mainly of Yale men. Trinity also is well represented. Mr. R. D. Sears, Harvard '83, is one of the contestants. Brinley of Trinity, although entered, was not able to put in an appearance, on account of a sun-stroke which he received and which will incapacitate him from playing for some time to come.

Owing to typographical errors, the notice in the Fact and Rumor column yesterday about the Hasty Pudding Club was a mistake. The true state of affairs is that $4500 out of the $5000 needed to enable the society to build this summer, has been subscribed, conditionally that the remaining $500 is subscribed. It is earnestly hoped that this small remainder may be made up as soon as possible.

"Those are the college boys playing base-ball," remarked the female cicerone to her visiting friend as the Garden street horse car passed by the Common, where a decidedly seedy looking lot of town boys, with a negro at the bat, were indulging in the national game. "I wonder the teachers don't have their trousers mended," said the visitor reflectively; "the poor boys have no mothers to do it for them! Couldn't the girls in the Annex find time to do a little sewing for the lads?" - Cambridge Chronicle.
