EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON: Nothing is more natural than that the enthusiasm accompanying the victory of a home nine on the ball field should find exuberant expression, if no attention is paid to the defeated visiting team. This arises from an excusable thoughtlessness. It may however, not be out of place to recall the fact that the college where the game is played owes the visiting nine a certain degree of courtesy and politeness after the game is over. The non-performance of this duty was painfully noticeable at the close of Wednesday's game. The Yale nine were allowed to go back to their coach without having received the least sign of attention from our men.
Worse than this, they had to bear the insolent and frequently indecent gibes of a herd of low muckers who heaped insult on defeat. Such a state of affairs is greatly to be deplored and needs but to be brought clearly before the minds of Harvard students in order that its recurrence may be prevented. It will be urged, no doubt, that our nine receives the same treatment, and that every other nine is in the same position, when defeated on a field away from home. But is this any argument why this nuisance should not be done away with, or why Harvard should not take the first step in abolishing a proceeding that is without doubt a factor in the much debated ill-feeling in college base-ball?
As a specific remedy to this evil, I would suggest that a number of students be made a committee to escort the visiting nine back to their coach and show them the ordinary courtesy one from hosts to guests. The men who usher at the games might most conveniently be entrusted with the performance of this task.
Furthermore there is every reason to cheer the defeated nine, and thus revive a custom which existed in former years, when rivalry had not outgrown all evidence of friendly feelings between the contestants.
I have ventured to occupy so much of your space because I think it well worth while to remind the college of its duty to take some active steps to remedy this evil.
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