
John the Orangeman.

On Saturday last, as John the Orangeman was coming through Church street, a horse standing in front of Blake's stable became frightened at the crimson and white cart. Blake, the proprietor of the livery stable, rushed out, put the horse in a place of safety, and then rushed John and his cart across the street, overturning them and injuring John in the leg and chest. John's wrath was up, so he hurried his old legs towards the police station, where he entered a formal complaint of assault and battery against Blake. On Tuesday, Messrs. Merriam and Hobbs of the Law School appeared before Judge Orcutt with witnesses, and on the strength of their testimony a summons was issued for Blake to appear. The trial came off yesterday morning, and John's popularity with the students was well shown by the number of fellows who wanted patiently for an hour or two until the case came on for trial. But when it did come on, all felt that they had not waited in vain. John's pathetic account of his wrongs and injuries was worthy of the closest attention, and when he turned to the judge and calmly addressed him as "my friend," only the strict decorum due the court prevented a wild outburst of enthusiasm. There was a strong array of legal talent on John's behalf, all the product of the Law School. Mr. Merriam conducted the case, assisted by Messrs. Hobbs and Hayes of the Law School, and Mr. Francis of the Boston bar. In the face of such legal lights there could be but one result, a verdict of guilty, and so the court decreed. Blake was fined $5.00 and costs, and John returned to his oranges, well pleased with his first experience in court.
