H. P. C. - Meeting at the rooms Brattle street at 7.30 o'clock to-night.
F. W. BALCH, Sec.The Art Club will be photographed on Friday, at 2.30 p.m., on the back steps of Sever.
Seniors are requested to made appointments for their class photographs immediately.
FRANK H. SELLERS,Chairman Photo. Com.The Institute dinner will be held on Saturday evening, at Parker's at 7.45. Price. $2.50 per plate. Please sign book at Bartlett's immediately.
Blue books for the senior forensic examination must be handed in to-day between 1 and 2 p.m., Sever 1.
FOUND. A package of bank bills Owner can have them by proving property. Apply at Leavitt & Pierce's.
All members of the Freshman nine are requested to be at the gymnasium at 3 p.m. to-day.
S. VILA, Captain.NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. - The society will be photographed at 1.30 o'clock to-day, June 1, at Pach's studio. Full attendance desired.
The Pi Eta Class Day Invitations may be obtained at 32 Stoughton. It will greatly help the committee if members will call for them immediately.
Per order ofCOMMITTEE.FRESHMAN NINE. - All who intend to accompany the nine to New Haven on the 8th please sign at Leavitt's before Friday night.
G. R. PAYSON, Jr., Manager.Members of the Freshman Glee and Banjo Club who paid their railroad fares from Worcester to Boston will receive one dollar each at 51 Thayer to-day between 1-30 and 2.
LOST. - A brown spring overcoat on the seats in Section L, at the Princeton game Monday. A reward is offered for the return of the same to 12 Matthews.
HARVARD BANJO CLUB. - The regular eight will meet this afternoon at 1.30, 16 Holyoke House. Election of new members.
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