Recitations stop to-day for this year.
All themes in English B are to be returned to-day corrected or re-written.
The annual dinner of the CRIMSON board was held last night and proved to be a very enjoyable affair.
At the close of his lecture in N. H. 3, Prof. Goodale announced that nearly all the funds had been procured necessary for constructing an addition to the museum, for the accommodation of the botanical laboratories. The sum of twelve thousand dollars is all now that is required to complete the subscription.
Williams beat Amherst by a score of 5 to 3, in a very exciting game last Monday. The game was won by Amherst's costly errors in the sixth inning, which allowed Williams to score four runs. Both batteries were very effective, only four bits being made off Turner who pitched for Amherst. Amherst made nine hits off Van Wormer, but they were scattered. The errors were about even.
The Pittsburgs were victorious over the Volunteers yesterday by a score of 7 to 4. The Volunteers were unable to hit Paul, '89, the pitcher of the Pittsburgs, for more than two straggling hits. This leaves a tie between these two clubs for the championship of the first series; and the club which wins the next game will have to play the Victors the champions of the second series, for the amateur championship of the college. The latter game is scheduled for next Saturday morning.
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Harvard Rowing Club.