EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON: I should like to make a few statements in regard to the general financial condition of the freshman nine, which seem called for by the remarkable attack in your yesterday's issue. The amount of money subscribed to the nine is about the same as was subscribed last year. The amount collected is considerably less. The amount of gate money at the Yale game was small on account of the threatening weather. The cost of uniforms per man was slightly less than that of '89's uniforms. Whatever is absolutely necessary for the needs of the nine is procured at once. This is the purpose for which the money was collected. Not a cent has been spent on the pleasure of the men, and the statement that the nine is to view the races at the expense of the class is new to me, and certainly no sane person would accredit so ridiculous an idea. I have encountered none of the "bitter feeling" which "'90" states as existing and I doubt if any such exists. The statement that the crew are in need of money is rather stretched, as I know for a fact that the class has subscribed most generously to it, the amount from subscription alone being greater than ever before, and in addition to this sum, the amount given from the proceeds of the freshman concert was more than has ever been given before from that source. The nine is not rich and never has been, but it expects to have a small surplus, and that surplus the crew shall have, but it does not intend denying itself necessities for the purpose of increasing the opulence of its sister society.
Manager Harvard Freshman Nine.
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