The first game of the amateur series, took place Saturday on Jarvis. It was not marked by any brilliant playing outside of the batteries, both of which did excellent work, Leakin, captain of the Law School nine, pitched for the Bostons, and Federhen for the Victors. The errors on both sides were "numerous and costly."
The players were: Victors - Quinlan, 1b.; Federhen, p.; Raymond, c.; Farnum, 3b.; Edmunds, l. f.; Delone, c.f.; Hinley, 2b.; Vorse, s.s.; Hervey, r.f. Bostons - Towle, 3b.; Wilson, c.; Leakin, p.; Rolfe, l.f.; Reynolds, 1b.; Page, c.f.; Bowen, 2b.; Harlow, s.s.; Muscues, r.f. Score by innings:
Innings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Victors 1 0 2 0 1 5 3 0 - 12
Bostons 0 2 0 3 0 2 1 1 0 - 9
Struck out by - Federhen, 16; by Leakin, 4. Umpire - Mr. Slade, '90.
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