
Fact and Rumor.

Eighty-seven plays eighty-nine to-day on Jarvis at 4 o'clock.

Exeter's gymnasium instructor plays on their nine. What next?

The exhibition of the Photographic Society will be open to-day and to-morrow till noon.

The base-ball subscription for the Andover nine this year is probably the largest ever raised.

The Law School nine has sent a challenge to Tufts. As yet no reply has been received.


The Technology freshmen beat St. Mark's school at Southboro, Wednesday, by a score of 9 to 2.

The Roxbury Latin School nine was defeated by the Adams Academy nine at Quincy, Wednesday, by a score of 15 to 4.

They say that all those beautiful crimson and white hats of the freshman nine have grown about one size too large since the game with '88.

Mr. Wolfe's excursion in N. H. 8 will go to Brighton at 8 o'clock, instead of 9, as heretofore announced, on Saturday next. The men will meet at the corner of Bartlett and Boylston street.

There has never before been such a base-ball craze at Yale College as there is this season. Besides the university, freshmen, and consolidated nines, there are five class nines, a reserve nine, law school nine and theological nine.

Dr. Philips Brooks began the conduct of daily prayers yesterday.

The class games now being played at Harvard will give the freshmen excellent practice. They can stand a great deal of this sort of work, as they have plenty to learn before they will be fit to face Yale '90. - Boston Herald.
