The eight who are to compose the Yale University crew for the annual race with Harvard have been definitely selected as follows, and except in case of sickness or accident, no change will be made; Ralph Mel. Wilcox, 158 lbs. bow; Charles O. Gill, '89, 168 lbs; John Rogers, Jr., '87, 165 lbs, captain; Joseph W. Middlebrook; '87, 165 lbs, George W. Woodruff, '89, 173 lbs; Fred A. Stevenson, '88, 172 lbs; George R. Carter, '88, S., 167 lbs; Ernest L. Caldwell, '87, 154 lbs, stroke; Thompson, coxswain. Substitutes - W. H. Corwin, R. M. Hurd and Samuel Cross. Five of the crew were in last year's 'Varsity eight and three were in the freshman crew.
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