About seventy-five members of the Union met last evening in Sever 11. Some two hundred non-members attempted to gain admittance as spectators. The executive committee tried ta keep out this crowd, but their efforts were not successful. A compromise was effected whereby the members sat on one side and the spectators on the other. Mr. Stanton, '87, nominated Mr. Furber. as president; Mr. Sanford, Mr. Page, as vice-president; Mr. Garrison, Mr. Williams, as secretary and treasurer. The nominees were all elected by acclamation. The report of the executive committee was called, but the chairman, Mr. Mahany, refused to submit it, whereupon it was moved that he be expelled from the Union. A ballot, resulting in an affirmative victory, was taken, but was declared void by the chair, because one member admitted to his having voted illegally. Reference was made to the notices posted in the college buildings yesterday, and signed by certain members of the Union. It was denounced as a forgery. No reply was made to the denunciation. After numerous motions to adjourn, the ayes at last won, and the meeting broke up. The defeated candidates intend to contest the legality of the whole election. It is stated that they will not submit the documents of the Union to their successors, nor will they admit the constitutionality of anything done at the meeting yesterday. As they have possession of the archives, the end of the interesting struggle seems not to be near by. The college will wait with feverish excitement for the outcome of the political fruit or job which is certain to make an appearance before many days. For the present no serious outbreak need be expected, and affairs will probably remain tranquil, with a chance that the contestants will not resort to violence until after the examinations.
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