

No Headline

The question is often asked why we do not hear more from the Glee clubs and other musical organizations in college in the way of concerts in the yard. Nothing is pleasanter in the warm, quiet summer evening than to be stretched on the grass in front of Matthews and listen to the songs of the Glee Club. The 'Varsity Club has sung in the yard a few times this spring, and the Freshman Club but once. It seems too bad that when enjoyment can be afforded to so many by the exertion of a few, those few are willing to exert themselves so seldom.

The time was when small knots of men used to gather in the yard and sing popular college melodies; but that time seems to have passed for good and all, and the Glee Club ought to make up the loss by singing oftener. Both the 'Varsity and Freshman Banjo clubs, too, should do their share. The knowledge that they are sure to meet a warm welcome should be incentive enough for them to try the experiment of an open-air concert. It is to be hoped that these few words of ours will have the effect of rousing the Glee and Banjo clubs to an effort that will be hailed with so much pleasure by all men in college.
