

Entries for the Tennis Tournament close at 8 o'clock to-night. Contestants not present on Holmes Field at 10 a.m. Tuesday will forfeit their places.

R. A. ZAREGA.LOST. - A jet black Shetland watch chain, going or coming from Christ's Church. A suitable reward will be paid by leaving the same at 64 Concord avenue.

HARVARD NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. - Owing to Professor Hyatt's illness, he is unable to speak on Wednesday; May 25. Dr. Minot will speak on that evening, at 7.30 o'clock, instead of Monday, and there will be no lecture before the Society this evening. The public are invited to Dr. Minot's lecture.

GLEE CLUB AND PIERIAN. - Members are requested to settle their accounts at Sever's before to-morrow.

E. R. SHIPPEN, Treas.

