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EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON: - Since the freshman game with Yale on Wednesday. I have heard many adverse criticisms on the action of the freshman class and the conduct of the nine. Although I heartily coinside with your correspondents of yesterday and the day before in condemning the action of the nine's supporters, still I see no reason why the members or any member of the nine itself should be run drown, simply because they did not succeed in defeating their opponents. I suppose it is natural for a nine to be condemned because it has suffered reverses; it is an almost universal, though most unfair, custom. But I see no reason why any particular man should be blamed because he failed to bring victory from almost sure defeat. The freshmen played their best, but were out fielded and out-batted. But inasmuch as they did their best to win from Yale, they should receive the credit therefor and not be "jumped upon" for not doing more than was in their power.

