

H. P. C. - There will be a meeting of the club this evening at the Brattle street rooms at 7.30. Election.

F. G. BALCH, Sec'y.FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB. - Barge leaves Battlett's to-day at 12.30. All must be prompt so as not to loose the train.

A. P. EMMONS, Sec'y.In order to complete the Class Album by Class Day, seniors who have not had their photographs taken, must make appointments immediately.

FRANK H. SELLERS,Chairman Photo. Com.HARVARD CRICKET CLUB. - The following will play on the team in the match on Saturday, and will meet the barge at Bartlett's at 10.30, sharp: R. W. Frost, M. H. Clyde, J. B. Markoe, T. W. Balch, R. D. Brown, W. G. Barney, S. Dexter, A. B. Whiting, O. B. Judson, L. Sullivan and W. S. Ellis. Substitutes, C. Judson and F. B. Myers.
