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EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON: - Please allow me to criticise the execrable coaching which the freshmen received in Wednesday's game while on bases. They have much to learn in respect to this important feature of the game. Had the captain and his assistant coaches refrained from their constant stream of meaningless yells and given a little real advice at critical moments, their coaching would have been of some use. Let me give some examples: Three times men were on third base when long flies were hit to the out-field, and in each instance the coach failed to have the runner stand on the bag until the ball was caught and then run home. In two of these instances a run was clearly sacrificed, in the other the player was fortunately batted home. Twice during the game, owing to poor coaching, double plays were made by cutting off men after fly catches. These were among the most noticeable instances of lack of "coaching," tho' lack of "jaw" there was none.

