Williams plays Brown to-day at Providence.
Eighty-seven plays Eighty-eight on Jarvis to-day at 4 p.m.
Dartmouth defeated Amherst Wednesday by a score of 13 to 1.
Yale will play the postponed game with Columbia on the 24th of May.
The final examinations at Columbia began in the early part of this week.
Dartmouth has just been left $29,000 by the widow of Richard Bond, of Boston.
Wednesday, Tufts College Nine beat the Law School Nine by a score of 14 to 9.
Wurtenburg, the right fielder of the Yale Freshman Nine, graduated from Exeter last June.
Ex-President Hayes has been asked to accept the presidency of the Ohio State University.
The Pennsylvania State Intercollegiate track meeting will be held to day on the grounds of University of Pennsylvania.
A prize of a $500 cup has been offered by the New York Racquet Court Club as a prize for an amateur contest in billiards.
A great deal of dissatisfaction is found with the Wright & Ditson tennis ball adopted by the National Association. - Ex.
The sum of $45,000 will be given annually to Johns Hopkins University for a scientific school, provided it be removed from Baltimore to Clifton, Maryland.
Dr. J. Williams White, professor of athletics in the University of Pennsylvania, will have an article in "Lippincott's Magazine" for June, giving a physician's view of exercise and athletics.
Professor A. S. Hill has returned the Commencement Parts to the secretary and the latter requests their owners to call for them at once. Parts remaining in the office after June 15th will not be preserved.
The nineteenth annual spring games of the New York Athletic Club will be held Saturday, June 11, on the club grounds, 150th W. Mott avenue. A number of events are open to college men. Entries close June 4.
P. G. Wright (gr.), Giddings, '87; Adams, Chenoweth, Halloweli, Bottum, Sempers, C. W. Spaulding, Hesseltine, F. B. Williams, E. R. Thayer and W. G. Thompson from '88, have been elected members of the Finance Club.
It is rather strange that a nine which made as good a showing as Cornell did here should have been beaten by the Amhersts. Yet such is the fact. And still Amherst allows herself to be beaten by Dartmouth by a score of 13 to 1. Cornell beat Dartmouth.
Spanish 1. - An hour examination will be held in W. 17, instead of the usual recitation on Monday, May 23. No books whatever are to be brought in at the examination. Blank books will be furnished by the instructor. B. H. Nash, instructor. Subject - "Del Mar." Lectures 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.
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Cricket Team Beats B. A. A.